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Talent Management Strategy

Ignite the Power of Talent and Transform Your Organization's Future.

Talent management has always been important, but it's even more critical in today's competitive landscape. Companies who prioritize their talent management strategy are better positioned to drive an engaged workforce.


Proverbs University is proud to offer a Talent Management certification program that equips you to optimize the five phases of the employee lifecycle: preboarding, onboarding, inboarding, offboarding, and reboarding. Upon completion of this program, learners will earn the Certified Practitioner in Talent Management Strategy (CP-TMS™) credential designation. The modules below are covered in the program.

Cultivating the Employee Experience

Discover the components necessary to create employee experiences that drive productivity, engagement, and retention.

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Defining Success: Logistics and Relationships

Assist hiring managers with creating targeted goals for newly hired and newly promoted employees.

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The Collective Responsibility of Onboarding

Increase collaboration among recruitment stakeholders that results in retention and successful transition into a new role.

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Strategic Recruitment

Create a well-defined talent acquisition strategy that supports short- and long-term business objectives.

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Case Study: Perfecting the Preboarding Essentials

Dissect the case study examples to identify correlations between the fictitious companies and characters described and your real-world workplace experiences.

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90 Days to Success

Create a lasting, first impression with every new hire in your organization with an intentional onboarding plan for the first 90 days of employment.

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Transitioning Returning Employees

Lead individuals and teams through the transition back to work after an extended leave.

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Developing High Potential Employees for Career Mobility

Identify and develop internal talent with the ability and aspiration to perform, engage, and succeed within critical and more advanced roles in the company.

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Performance Management

Apply a strategic approach to ensure scalable efficiency, effectiveness, and measurable performance outcomes at the individual, departmental, and organizational level.

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Case Study: Perfecting Onboarding Essentials

Dissect the case study examples to identify correlations between the fictitious companies and characters described and your real-world workplace experiences.

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Leading Employee Engagement Initiatives

Learn techniques to model and champion employee retention and engagement initiatives.

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Knowledge Management

Establish processes and procedures to capture, store, and retrieve organizational knowledge effectively, particularly from transitioning employees.

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